These fantastic vegan YouTubers will inspire you to go or stay vegan! Enjoy their insightful lifestyle tips, recipes, and more!
Are you shying away from going vegan or finding it hard to commit to this lifestyle because you don’t get enough support from your friends and family?
You’re really not alone — this is what most of us are experiencing. And this can feel so isolating!
Luckily, there are so many fantastic vegan YouTubers who help us come together and move this important movement forward online.
join our free vegan course!
Learn how to thrive on a plant-based diet with practical tips & a 3-day meal plan!
Since a lack of social support is one of the most common reasons why people turn back to eating animal products, we want to make it a priority to bring people together and share easy-to-access information on how to make veganism easy and enjoyable!
Enjoy our personal favorite vegan YouTube channels, and check out these podcasts, documentaries, and books next.
The Best Vegan YouTubers
1. Earthling Ed
If there’s one YouTuber or vegan influencer we’ve probably seen every single video of, it would definitely be Ed. We remember following him back when he just started his channel and were immediately mesmerized by his revolutionary approach (so much so that we even got him to write an article for us!).
The UK-based activist is known for using the Socratic method in his outreach and is incredibly knowledgeable about all aspects of living vegan, including solutions for how to create a fully vegan world. He also does some commentary content, gives fantastic speeches and has his own podcast.
Apart from that, he also co-founded a vegan restaurant in London and works on different projects with the animal rights organization Surge. He is the vegan you’d want to represent the movement!
Go to YouTube Channel →2. Pick Up Limes
Sadia’s channel, Pick Up Limes, is among the most popular vegan YouTube channels – and rightfully so. Her gentle approach to food, nutrition, minimalism, and conscious living attracts not only vegans but also a large non-vegan audience, all of whom can get a glimpse of how simple and delicious plant-based meals can be!
The Dietitian from Canada currently lives in the Netherlands, where she regularly puts out new and helpful videos with her team. No matter which one you watch, you’ll be left with a cozy feeling and inspired to take action!
Go to YouTube Channel →3. Unnatural Vegan
Swayze went through quite a transformation: back when she started her channel 10 years ago, she was a full-blown raw foodist, eventually finding her way to a more and more science-based approach to following a vegan diet.
She regularly calls out other vegans on statements she doesn’t agree with (in a respectful manner, of course) and speaks to a very unique audience within the vegan and also flexitarian movements.
She also reviews older videos of herself as a raw vegan, not shying away from having a laugh at herself and calling out her former pseudo-scientific beliefs. Swayze has a dry sense of humor and likes to ramble about her personal life at the end of some of her videos (which we personally love!)
She follows a higher protein vegan diet with lots of soy, mock meat, coffee, and all the latest vegan treats from the store! If you’re looking for approachable and non-dogmatic vegan lifestyle content, this is the channel to check out.
Go to YouTube Channel →Image source:
4. Madeleine Olivia
Madeleine started her YouTube channel in 2016 and has achieved huge success with her authentic videos about her personal development.
Straight from beautiful Britain, you can enjoy her lovely accent while she talks about not only mental health, minimalism and DIY projects but also shows how to make approachable and satisfying vegan meals, many of them budget-friendly.
At the beginning of 2020, she published her first book on sustainability, a topic that also makes up a large part of her channel.
Go to YouTube Channel →5. Sweet Simple Vegan
Although this YouTube channel was started by Jasmine, nowadays, most of her content also features her awesome boyfriend Chris (and their cute little dogs).
We’ve been long-term followers of her work and recognize that her content and style have changed a bit over time. The good news? It’s now better than ever!
From sharing her struggles with disordered eating in the past to entertaining vlogs, her videos are high-quality and feature fun recipes, challenges, taste tests, “What We Eat in a Day” – with the occasional glimpse of the couple’s private lives — and so much more. You definitely need to check them out!
Go to YouTube Channel →6. Humane Hancock
Jack is an awesome vegan activist who has a somewhat similar style to Ed but is definitely more confrontational. His dedication, patience, and courage are outstanding – the discussions he has with other people can sometimes result in shouting matches, only to have Jack quickly find some common ground with them again.
Unafraid to speak his truth, he likes to talk to people of other social movements or devout religious believers to uncover their logical inconsistencies when it comes to animal ethics.
Jack also explores philosophical topics such as wildlife suffering and creates response videos to vegans and non-vegans alike, sprinkled with funny skits that never disappoint! We love his humor and passion – definitely our favorite “Soyboy”.
Go to YouTube Channel →7. Rachel Ama
Although we’re still new to Rachel’s channel (YouTube is overflowing with vegan videos, and it can be hard for some channels to reach your “recommended” section), we’ve quickly fallen in love with her content.
From scrumptious yet easy vegan recipes and meal prep videos to Q&As and sit-down-style content, Rachel shares so much fun and helpful content around veganism.
She tries vegan options at popular fast-food chains, does challenges, and even takes you on her personal health and fitness journey! The London-based influencer has also published a book on her tasty vegan eats.
Go to YouTube Channel →8. Avantgarde Vegan
Gaz Oakly, the popular professional vegan chef behind this large YouTube channel, shares scrumptious vegan recipes in a modern and entertaining manner. The way he talks is very soothing to us, and he makes everything look so mouth-watering!
He also shares what he eats in a day, uploads travel videos, and is the go-to source for anyone wanting to cook up a feast for meat-eaters. Gaz has also published some epic vegan cookbooks, which have persuaded many of his friends and colleagues to go vegan!
Go to YouTube Channel →9. Joey Carbstrong
One of the more confrontational, and therefore controversial, animal rights activists on our list (and the whole of YouTube) is Australian vegan Joey Carbstrong.
Having been on international television several times, he’s never shied away from forcefully speaking up for animals and urging people to put themselves in their perspective – even if this means being portrayed as too radical by the mainstream media.
His approach is very straightforward and blunt, no matter who he talks to. Joey is very down-to-earth and wants the world to wake up to the reality of animal agriculture. You can find heated street debates on his channels as well as sit-down videos. Different strokes for different folks!
Go to YouTube Channel →10. Cheap Lazy Vegan
Especially for those who are new to a vegan diet, Rose’s channel can be a fantastic source! We still enjoy watching her cooking and talking videos after years and years because her personality is incredibly lovely, funny, and refreshing.
Making vegan comfort food really approachable and budget-friendly, she shares a lot of vegan hacks, high protein recipes, and “What I Eat in a Day” videos along with some vegan lifestyle content.
Go to YouTube Channel →11. Caitlin Shoemaker
Caitlin is an inspiring and down-to-earth vegan influencer across all her social media – on top of her wonderful blog, she also runs a great YouTube channel and has an impressive Instagram following.
The young woman is very passionate about all things food, veganism, and living a healthy lifestyle, with her videos as of late heavily focusing on the food part.
While she does share parts of her personal life, yoga, relationship content, and mental health tips, she’s a master at creating fantastic-looking vegan comfort food that’s easy to make and secretly healthy!
Go to YouTube Channel →12. Mic The Vegan
Another channel of which we’ve probably seen every single video! Mic’s approach to bringing complicated science topics to ordinary mortals is like a breath of fresh air, and his skits never fail to make us laugh.
His videos are very educational, offering just enough details not to be overwhelming. But Mic (“short for microphone, not Mick!”) covers more than just vegan health topics! From the odd “What I Eat in a Day” to environmental issues, debunking currently trending articles or videos and interviews with other vegan experts, his channel is a must-watch.
The US-based science writer (and cookbook author!) is currently studying Public Health at the Master’s level while building his own tiny house with his partner – needless to say, we just love all of his content.
Go to YouTube Channel →13. Perspective Philosophy
If you’re into some in-depth philosophical discussions as well as a UK accent, Lewis is your man! He studied philosophy and covers topics ranging from veganism to antinatalism, objective morality, free will, and societal issues.
You can see him in long-format debates and even on the street, talking to people about veganism while always keeping his rational approach and kind attitude. In our opinion, Perspective Philosophy is a really underrated channel!
Go to YouTube Channel →14. Simnett Nutrition
Although Derek’s content is also heavily focused on plant-based nutrition, recipes, lifestyle, and travels, we decided to put him into the vegan fitness category because of the jaw-dropping share of muscle on his body.
A Certified Nutritional Practitioner, he focuses on an approachable whole food plant-based diet and regular physical activity for optimal health. His personal favorites are calisthenics and taking long walks in nature with his girlfriend, who regularly appears in his videos.
We simply love his attitude and the two of them making videos together because their content is always fun, inspirational, and easy to watch.
Go to YouTube Channel →15. Happy Healthy Vegan
Ryan and Anji are a 50-something couple from Southern California who have been vegan since 2013. You won’t find more laid-back and kind people like these two!
Ryan and Anji are proponents of a mainly high-carb vegan diet and share easy recipes, interviews, travel videos, and “What I Eat in a Day” content. Ryan’s specialty is doing commentary-style videos where he dissects articles or media coverage about veganism with logic and science – you won’t find much more respectful debunking anywhere.
The couple also makes music together under the name Lovespirals, and Anji has published her own recipe eBook. If you’re looking for a chill vibe and want to know how to “keep it carbed,” check their videos!
Go to YouTube Channel →16. Those Annoying Vegans
Ana and Brian are trying to change hearts and minds one conversation at a time. The animal rights activists have changed their content on YouTube over the years from mainly focusing on vegan recipe videos and mukbangs to showing the reality of animal agriculture, responding to other YouTubers (vegan or not), or doing rebuttals and commentary about movies and media coverage.
Recently, they also started sharing their ethical vegan debates online to help everyone question their own reasons for choosing one food over the other. Another highly underrated channel, in our opinion!
Go to YouTube Channel →More Vegan Resources
Which influencers do you like to follow and did you find any new favorites on our list? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to Pin this article here.
I follow most of them already haha, I would just like to add the channel Hot for food & Lauren Toyota :) Go check it out :) !
Hey Sabrina,
glad you liked the list! And thanks for the suggestion, I will go check them out now :) Always pumped for some new inspiration.
Maddox lymburner?
I think you’re missing Unnatural Vegan. She might be controversial but she does do A LOT to make being/becoming vegan more accessible and therefore easier to present to a wider audience.
Hi Ana,
thanks for the comment! You’re completely right, I somehow forgot about her… I do watch most of her videos, except for her What I Eat In A Day ones. I don’t agree with her specific food choices too much, but she has a reasonable approach. Will include her too!
Best wishes,
I’m offended I’m not on here XD
Hey Brian,
wow, you’ve got every right to be offended! How could we miss out on your awesome channel? It’s crazy how we can still have blind spots after 5 years of veganism. Will add you to the list for sure.
How would you like a full feature on your life and achievements to make it up to you? Feel free to contact us if you want to talk details.
Best wishes,
Literally love every single one of these!!!!! Great post :)
Hi Tamar,
thanks so much for the comment! Glad you like the channels as much as we do :)
I just saw that you got one yourself as well! Will be checking it out soon and then adding it to the list as well. Your blog is pretty great too, although you just started. Would you be interested in sharing your personal tips for motivation regarding exercise? I think it would be a hit ;) Feel free to email us about it, we’d love to feature the piece.
All my best,
Bite Size Vegan is #1 .
Yes, she’s really, really awesome! The channels are in no order by the way ;) We love them all equally and can’t really compare the different styles.
Thanks for the comment!
Thank you SO much for not posting Freelee!! I cannot stomach her :) I will check the others out!
Hey Holly,
no problem. We love to keep things real and drama-free! It has taken over the vegan YouTube scene too much and we don’t want to scare away any people who are interested in this lifestyle.
Which channel do you like the most? :)
I’m so happy for this list! One of my favorites is the channel of Shir Levi – every time I watch one of her videos I end us with a great sense of peace and bliss. Veganism is only part of the topics that she’s sharing but it did make an impact on me.
Hi Ramona,
thanks so much for the comment and for checking out the article.
I haven’t heard of Shir Levi before – will go check her out because your description sounds amazing :)
Have a beautiful day,
Thanks for this list. There’s quite a number on here that I have never heard of and that I will be checking out. On this list, I already follow Cheap Lazy Vegan, Jenny Mustard, Bonny Rebecca, Fablunch, and Tess Begg.
I second Unnatural Vegan (said by another commenter) and would add A Privileged Vegan, Honeybunch of Onion Tops, Cam and Nina, thrivingonplants, Antastesia, Annie Tarasova, Jenell B. Stewart, and James Aspey.
Hi Regan,
thank you so much for the comment! I just took a few hours today to review the channels you suggested and added most of them to the list :)
Thanks for the inspiration! Have a beautiful weekend.
Hi, this is great post, thanks! I already following some of the channels, but others – not :) Can I suggest one channel – Holly Brown Fit – vegan, fitness and education information and videos are there… here the link >>>
Hi Petra,
thanks so much for your suggestion! I can’t believe I haven’t heard of Holly before. I reviewed her videos and added her to the list today.
Have a beautiful weekend!
I love ALL of these people too! I am surprised though that you didn’t mention Alyse or Kate! (Alyse = RawAlignment & Kate = KateFruitFlowers). Both are more RAW than VEGAN but it’s still considered Vegan. Alyse & Kate both talk about self love. Alyse also discusses minimalism in her life. – I hope you have a beautiful day, and thank you for making this post so I can share with my friends that ask who I recommend!
Hi Heather,
well, you got me here – I don’t really watch many raw vegan channels, this is why I haven’t come across these 2 ladies probably.
I will take some time out today to review their channels and might add them to the list then! Most people are attracted by a broader vegan diet than just raw foods (this is why I didn’t add FullyRaw Kristina), but you’re right – should be something for everyone here.
Have a lovely weekend! x
The look of the website and blogs look super clean! Really like it.
So many vegan YouTube’s making great content, keep up the great work ??
Hi Ness,
thanks so much for your lovely feedback! Do you follow any other YouTubers we’ve forgotten to list here as well?
Have a wonderful year 2017!
I follow most of these awesome vegan youtubers. Hopefully, one day my channel will be on this list. :)
Hey Fernando, glad you like the list already. What is your channel? :)
Alright guys wtf…MarissaKai (previously lifestylewithme) should’ve made this list! shes my favorite and is studying to be a dietician
You’re right, she is awesome! Will give this article an overhaul very soon :) Thanks for letting me know!
And Mango Island Mamma makes amazing raw vegan and cooked vegan recipes in her videos! She has two young boys, a husband, and a house in Hawaii! Her videos are beautiful, fun, inspiring and super educational. She has a blog too.
And Hot for Food! Lauren Toyota and her partner John Diemer makes suppper amazing, funny and nicely shot videos of vegan junk food. There’s healthier foods, fun junky foods, and food challenges! They have a blog too and Lauren has her own channel where she talks about many interesting topics including veganism.
Hi Mila,
all of your suggestions sound amazing!! I took notes and will make sure to update the article very soon :) Thanks for the tips, I’m excited to check out these channels.
Surprised we didn’t make your list! I opened Planet Raw Restaurant in 1994 in San Francisco when 99.9% of the population never heard of raw cuisine before! I truly believe I was the first person to make ravioli and it was an accident, which sometimes, the best things come out of! Anyway, love the list, love the comments, just thought we belong on it too! :))
Enclosing one of many original vegan recipe video’s we made.
Hi Cara,
thanks for the tip! The reason why your channel is not on the list is because we’re not into the raw food scene very much and only know a few big raw food channels. I will make sure to check yours out soon and see if we can include it in the updated version of the article!
Best wishes,
Wow! Honoured to be on this list! Thanks so much for the shoutout, and thanks for all the other great channel suggestions.
Hi Margaret,
thanks so much for your comment! We have been getting into your videos more and more over the past weeks and really like your rational approach. The Philosophical Vegan Forum is really interesting as well! Keep up the awesome work and let us know if you ever want to contribute an article to our blog. We’d be honored.
All my best
No Vegetable Police? Gonna go cry now lol.
Not something we watch at all, I’m afraid. This is a personal favorites list, but we’ll check out the channel and think about adding it if we like what we see :)
I was going to mention him, as well. I just discovered him about a week ago, and I immediately subscribed. She probably doesn’t like that he swears so much. I find him really charming, and apparently you do, too. That’s alright. I think what’s really impressive to me is that I don’t get the impression that he would have been “one of our kind” had he not been trying to cure an illness. I think it’s great, no matter what the motivation behind it is. “Regular guys” going vegan gives me a little more hope in my fellow humans.
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for including me! I am beyond flattered to be included in your line up! So much love to you ❤❤❤❤ Thank you!!
Amber aka The Fairly Local Vegan ?
Hey Amber, it was our pleasure! We totally roll with your vibe :) Very inspirational and warm videos, please keep them coming. Let us know if you want to contribute to our blog sometime! We’d be flattered.
Warm wishes,
You should check out the vegan zombie. They do recipies and vegan on a budget things. They also have a great theme.
Great tip, thanks! Never heard of that channel :)
Honeybunch of Onion Tops
What a lovely name! Will go check it out, thanks :)
Where is Hot for Food?! :O
You’re right, we need to update this list ASAP! Thanks for the suggestion x
I think this list is a great idea! However, I do get tired of seeing the majority of websites being about only vegan food. Veganism is so much more than that as we know, and unfortunately there isn’t enough vegan sites supporting every aspect of being vegan.
Maybe because many vegans feel talking about vegan foods/nutrition is the easiest, safest form of activism without the fear of getting people upset?
I just wish there were more people discussing veganism as a whole and not just as a diet. No wonder why most non-vegans think all one has to do to be vegan is to stop eating animals; the vegan community seems to push it for people to think that way. Practically every vegan site home page shows food and nothing else. So sadly, most people think veganism is just about diet.
Hey Lorrie,
I agree that veganism is about so much more than just what someone eats. It is a philosophy. Food makes up the biggest part of this, though, and most people are more easily convinced to make some kind of change when there’s something in it for them as well – like losing weight, getting off medication etc. The feeling good in one’s body is what keeps many people on this path. We chose to focus on the food aspect and don’t just recommend eating any vegan food but healthy plant-based food most of the time. It’s just our specialty. You can find many websites, like Peta, who give more advice around activism, lifestyle, and accidentally vegan foods (which can be found in our free course, BTW). And here’s our piece on vegan activism:
Hope this helps x
A great list of vegan YouTubers, and so good to see it’s expanding (like veganism is).
Would love if you checked out our channel too.
Courtney and I have been vegan for many years and love promoting a whole foods, higher raw, healthy vegan lifestyle.
Here’s a link to our channel in case you would like to check it out :)
Vegan Regards,
Todd & Courtney
Hi Todd,
thanks so much for checking in with us! Glad you like the article, we definitely have to overhaul it soon because we’ve been getting many requests and ideas. Will definitely check your channel, sounds pretty legit. Thanks for the tip :)
Peace & veggies
This is an amazing detailed resource, thank you!!! Love all of them but I believe you left out my absolute favourite vegan YouTuber: Ellen Fisher. She’s a super mindful mama who lives in Hawaii with her husband and two kids (cutest I have seen, seriously!) and offers many many tips on veganism, raw recipes and gentle parenting! A must add!! :)
Hi Rafaella,
what a beautiful name! Thanks for the lovely feedback, we’ll definitely post an updated version of this soon. You’re right about Ellen, how could I forget about her? I guess this just happens when you’ve already thought of 50 other channels :D
Best wishes x
I recomend you to chek out the family Fizz. :)
Will add them to our list to check out, thanks! :)
I loved this post! I’ve been feeling a bit stuck in my vegan habits lately, what with no recipe inspiration and such, and this has really helped me out! One more suggestion for the list: Sadia from Her youtube channel is also called pickuplimes. She is a dietitian, comes across very calm and sweet and happy and has a lot of helpful videos. She brings us recipes and Q&A’s but also things like shopping lists and pantry staples and tips for beginning vegans. I learned a lot from her. Her youtube and blog also work together perfectly: she has free printables on her blog with every recipe she shows on youtube, and I just adore her. I hope you will check her out, she is amazing!
You’re so right, Sadia needs to make that list as well! I’ve been loving her videos ever since I discovered her channel a few weeks ago. We need to update the article soon so we can add her :)
I’m very glad to hear that some of these YouTube channels were able to inspire you… I have experienced the same and love watching almost daily. It keeps you in the mood and helps you stay on track in a non-vegan world.
best wishes!
I follow most of these awesome vegan youtubers. Hopefully, one day my channel will be on this list…Thank you
We’ll check it out very soon and will then update the article :)
You should check out maddie lymburner her and her boyfriend kyle are so fynnt and make so many good recipes! ❤
Oh I agree, just recently came across her channel! Thanks so much for mentioning her :)
Hi thanks for the list I Will be checking them all out! Please include Ellen Fisher, she is my inspiration into a vegan lifestyle.
Totally agree! She is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites <3
Oh yes, I just came across her channel recently… will add to the list as soon as we update the article :)
Thanks for stopping by!
If anyone is having trouble finding the “Vegan Family TV” channel, they have changed their channel name to “Family Fizz”!
True… thanks for the input! Not easy to keep up with all the changes sometimes :D
Please check out The Vegan Zombie; Chris & John do many cooking videos and throw in humor, shopping trips, animal issues, and fun…love those guys! Thank you for the list ☺
Will do, their channel is already noted :)
I love Brownble, Sarah’s vegan kitchen and Pick up limes. You should really check them out!
Oh yes, just recently discovered them too and like these channels very much! This article is in need of an update, definitely – will add them for sure :)
Are you still recommending Family Fizz (formerly Vegan Family TV)? While they are still vegan, they RARELY talk about it anymore and no longer do mukbangs or “what I eat in a day”. I actually found your article because I was looking for recommendations of health-conscious vegan vloggers to watch in lieu of them. You have provided a ton of options! :)
Hi there Laurie,
funny that you mention it – we unsubscribed from their channel a while ago because their videos weren’t all that relevant anymore. This article is overdue for an update I suppose… just so many things on our list, haha!
Happy to have been helpful anyway. Thanks :)
Have you tried Madeleine Olivia. She’s a vegan vlogger with loads of great recipes and lifestyle views, very real and natural!
Hope whoever reads this has a blessed day!
If you have the time please check out my vegan tutorial recipe channel on Youtube and subscribe:
Great article! But I was disappointed that Health with Kisha didn’t make the list. She’s helped me transition to a plant based lifestyle. Check her out!
hey! I just wanted to say these are so helpful thank you and another vegan youtuber I absolutely love is Olivia Vargus I’m thinking of becoming vegan and all your posts are very helpful and inspiring ❤️ thanks x
wonderful, and thanks for the tip :) Will definitely check her out before we overhaul the article x
You should check out Maddie Lymburner. Her and her boyfriend, Kyle are amazing and very inspiring for the vegan lifestyle. She shares alot of “what i eat in a day” videos, vegan recipe videos, traveling abrod vegan vlogs, and she also has a separate fittness channel now for at home workouts. Please check her out and consider adding her to this list. Thanks!
Hey Britt,
yessss I’ve heard of her! Great videos – so sorry I haven’t come around to updating the article, so many good suggestions so far. Will definitely include her once we overhaul this thing here.
Thanks again :)
Don’t forget Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita! Jenna is one of the most popular women on YouTube ever!
You forgot ME (VeggieRose) lol kidding… partially kidding??
Where is Vegan Zombie? He is one of the coolest vegans out there. I’m Veg Sanity and will be these lists a few years from now(these guys & girls have youtube experience on me but give me time!)
I just started a new vegan cooking YouTube channel and I hope people will watch it, like it and subscribe ?
I would,love it if I can help people that vegan cooking could be delicious and easy.
I pay a quick visit each day a few sites and blogs to read articles or reviews, but this blog presents quality based content.
wowww got some really catching up to do ! So many of them to follow!
Thank you!
I’m not at all a fan of That Vegan Couple. Most of their ‘helpful’ videos telling other youtubers to go vegan come off as personal attacks. It’s not a good vibe at all. If it were me, I’d switch them out for Kalyn Nicholson. Kalyn gives wonderful life advice ranging across a variety of topics and her video have never once made me feel the Mean Girls ‘tormenting the kids that are different’ theme.
As someone who is interested in going vegan, this is very helpful. I am still experimenting with recipes, and finding out what I like and what I don’t like. I hope I can make the full transition later on this year!
What about Minimalist Baker? Amaaaazing recipes mostly gluten free!
Where is Vegan Zombie??? Love him!!
Also, Bonny Rebecca, Rawvana and Raw Alignment need to be removed from this list since they all have come out with “Why I Am No Longer Vegan” videos. They all have reverted to eating fish and eggs due to “health issues” ie…. issues due to extreme water and juices cleanses and poorly planned vegan meals. Bonny Rebecca has also started using animal skins and animal furs in her apartment decor videos (wool rugs, etc.).
Hey Robin,
thanks so much for the comment! True, Vegan Zombie needs to be added – we actually have been wanting to update this post for a while but there are different priorities right now… need to do this ASAP.
Especially since these 3 women all went back to eating animals, YES! Watched many videos on this and totally agree that they shouldn’t be on the list anymore. Thanks so much for pointing this out, I’ll add a Disclaimer for now and really want to update it as soon as I can.
Also thinking about writing an article on how to STAY vegan and not make these mistakes others did.
Best wishes to you,
Hey it seems that some of the influencers in this article are no longer plant based. Please consider revising this article or taking it down and making a new post. Thanks
I follow most of these already! Please update this list for 2019 and add Edyn Jacks, and the vegan zombie!
I LOVE Helena Rose, she’s a newer youtuber but makes great videos for the right audience.
interesting, never heard of her! Added to my list of channels to review so I can eventually overhaul this article :) Thanks, Amelia!
Another great vegan YOU TUBER is JESS BEAUTICIAN…I know its not a vegan related name , but her videos are all vegan dishes…..Her dishes are amaaaazing, The setup and style is so professional and her dishes are so inventive and unique….Im not vegan but i binge watch her videos all the time…
actually one of the best vegan videos/youtuber i have come across .
PLEASE CHECK HER OUT….U will love her videos.
What about Chef Jana????
She is the nicest and best Chef out there.
VegSource offers lots of science-based info and helps keep the vegan message honest.
Vegan Black Metal Chef, Colleen Patrick Goudreau, The Happy Pear, Connie’s Rawsome Kitchen, East Meets Kitchen, Cooking with Plants, Veggie Rose, Bosh!, The Viet Vegan, Dora’s table, The Chic Natural are just a few that I like :)
Nimai Delgado, the vegan bodybuilder definitely deserves an honorable mention!
that’s true, he’s right up there with Jon & Brian just not on our regular watch list – I’ll make sure to add him once I get to it :)
Sad that Nikki Vegan and Healthy Crazy Cool aren’t on here. They’re two of my favorites!
The Happy Pear shouldn’t be on this list. The one who has a daughter proudly proclaimed that he couldn’t be a full vegan because he would have to disappoint his daughter when they walk by an ice cream place and spend time to educate her on why they don’t eat dairy based ice cream. Therefore, he basically said, in a video on his channel, that he’s not really vegan.
Oh, and do we really want Gojiman on this list? He’s vegan alright. But he posted a highly critical video of the Gamechangers and decided a lot of the nutrition information was incorrect. Umm, tell me again how long he’s been vegan? I find a lot of twenty-something vegans aka baby vegans, who have that “i know everything” mindset. The Vegan View have a similar issue that I won’t get into here. I stopped watching their videos because I don’t get any pleasure from a couple of just between tweens, trying to act like a web based version of “The View”. And, of course, not having the vocabulary to pull off such a show. He has a great channel and posts often. It was he, Andre Venus, who had to deal with the heckles of his older brother, Jon, when he first went vegan. He most certainly should be on this list.
Oh, and that wonderful wizard of food, who is like a mad scientist recreating some of the most difficult recipes currently packaged up for sale. I’m speaking of the man behind Sauce Stache. I believe his name is Mark as well. He takes all excuses for not being vegan away from everyone by showing how easy it is to recreate some of the recipes most of us figured were/are highly difficult. He’s created vegan sausages, and even made a sauce stache version of the Just Egg vegan product.
Oh, and what about Jon’s brother, the doctor.
Nisha, Hannah, and Nicole are all in their late twenties…
GojiMan has a Masters in Nutritional Science.
Jon Venus just posted a video saying he is no longer vegan. He apparently hasn’t been since the birth of his son.
thanks, Megan — we removed him just hours later when we saw the video but glad you pointed it out, too!
Great source – will definitely give these a follow. Have you considered adding Plant Proof (Simon Hill)? He’s the reason I became plant based!
What about Ellen Fisher? I would argue that she is and has been one of the most influential vegan YouTubers.
What about Chef Jana. I think she is the best.
This list should really be updated (add your own):
1. Hench Herbivore: he is a science focused (nutitionist) British bodybuilder – yes, those exist (and actually does know his science, being a nutritionist and all).
2. “Unnatural vegan” even states that she is not(!) (a) vegan; she has been called out multiple times over for nonsense she insists on that she can not proof, and that is scientifically categorically wrong, to the point that she refuses to discuss anything / participate in debates; plus, she has been banned due to her childish behavior to be even referred to by name by various vegan YT channels.
3. There are a few vegan MDs that have YT channels (Dr Fuhrman, Dr. Klaper, …) – these should also be added.
What a fantastic list! Thank you so much! Most of them I knew however, there were still several I look forward to looking up! May I also share my site which also helps to promote as many vegan recipe sites as possible? Please check out “Super Quick Plant-Based Recipes” on Facebook. Each day I post a recipe that takes only 5-20 minutes prep time and uses as few ingredients as possible. I advertise as many vegan recipe sites as I can find! Thank you!
I would like to see David Ramms added to the list! If you haven’t already, I recommend checking his YouTube channel for some great content for vegans (also for vegans to share to non-vegans). From outreach conversations to reporting vegan news and informational videos, David makes some very entertaining content!
cool, sounds interesting! Looking forward to checking out his video — I just saw that he likes Lifting Vegan Logic who I also enjoy :)
I already watch several of these YouTube channels, but my favorite channel isn’t even on this list.
Ashley Wicka is my vegan queen!! She has so many useful videos, and so much information, especially for new, uneducated vegans. She also has a really cool story, as she’s been vegan since she was fourteen, even living with a completely meat eating family, and not knowing any other vegans. I highly recommend her channel.
wow, Ashley’s channel and story sound really interesting! Thanks so much for recommending her, looking forward to checking out her videos and updating the article within the next few months :)
Hi, Thank you for the list. I have watched most of them over the years.
I also suggest PLANT CHOMPERS, he is different than the rest as a
retired researcher with very in-depth scince-backed video’s.
He is very fair to look into other sides of the issue. Cheers, rachel