14 Vegan Before and After Transformation Stories

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by Alena Schowalter
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Interested in starting a plant-based diet or looking for some motivation to stay on track? Check out these amazing vegan before and after transformation stories!

There are many good reasons to go vegan — the fantastic health transformations some experience is definitely something that attracts a lot of people.

Although veganism is, first and foremost, an ethical stance against the mistreatment of animals, many use this lifestyle change as a turning point in their life and ditch processed foods alongside all animal products!

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A healthy whole food plant-based diet has been shown to offer lots of health benefits — not only in certain individuals, as showcased in this article, but in large population studies.

Whether you’re interested in going vegan or are looking for some motivation to stay on track, the following vegan transformation stories from people worldwide and at all stages of life will be very empowering!

Read more about creating habits and healthy food swaps on our website.

Amazing Vegan Before and After Transformation Stories

Now, let’s find out about the huge impact plant-based foods had in terms of health, happiness, a newly found sense of well-being and self-esteem for these 14 people.

Their stories are absolutely breathtaking and can serve as a great inspiration to both long-term and transitioning vegans!

1. Doug is off all his medications

Vegan Transformation Dougpin it

After an almost fatal heart attack (which usually kills 90% of the sufferers) in his own yard, Doug was classified with coronary artery disease at age 49 and put on heart medication “for the rest of his life.”

His cardiologist suggested he’d have 4 eggs per week and that he should stick to lean meats – nothing else about altering his diet.

But Doug’s own research, fortunately, introduced him to Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s work, whose suggestions he slowly tried to implement.

But being a true foodie, he only took a few steps towards a whole foods plant-based diet while still trying to enjoy his croissants and Brie.

That is, until he had another health scare regarding the blockages in his arteries which motivated him to work hard on cleaning up his diet (no animal products or oil!). Ever since then, he has lost 55lbs and has the energy of a teenager, running his second half-marathon at age 58.

Full Story & Pictures here

2. Kate got off the lung-transplant list

Kate Lungpin it

As a wife and working mother of three school-age kids, Kate was leading a very busy life many people can relate to. In September 2007, she developed a cough that wouldn’t go away, and she was dealing with slow-motion sluggishness, increasing fatigue, and noticeable swelling of her legs and abdomen.

An acute care visit later, she learned that she was suffering from type 2 diabetes, severe right-sided heart failure, and severe sleep apnea. What was most troubling, though, was her rare form of hypertension that had no cure and came with a terminal prognosis: two years to live without treatment and five years to live with treatment.

Her health deteriorated quickly, which resulted in needing a heavy tank of oxygen, losing her eyesight, and being on a long list of medication while having to stay home most of the time. As she was already put on a list for a lung transplant, she saw on TV how someone explained that a whole foods plant-based diet changed their life and she was intrigued.

After a year of trial and error on this way of eating, she contacted Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and attended a 5-day program by Dr. John McDougall.

Making these huge changes resulted in her eyesight being fully restored, getting off the lung-transplant monitoring list as well as her diabetic medications, and only needing oxygen at night. She also lost more than 110 lbs!

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3. Dick battled his prostate cancer & lost over 30 pounds

Dick Transformationpin it

Just before turning 50, Dick was diagnosed with prostate cancer and recommended to get surgery. But he decided against that step and, instead, started to follow a comprehensive, doctor-supervised program of lifestyle interventions—diet, exercise, supplements, and stress management would be the areas he’d tackle.

Dick hoped that since this program was known to slow the progression of the disease, he wanted to “buy some time” until less invasive treatment options became available.

After some more research, he doubled down on his lifestyle changes and became very serious about them – losing over 30 pounds, along with some curious skin tags.

And even better, his PSA levels stabilized, suggesting that his body was successfully wrestling his cancer cells. Two years after his initial diagnosis and effectively hacking his own body to make it inhospitable to cancer growth… he was officially in remission!

Full Story & Pictures here

4. Emily reversed rheumatoid arthritis & depression

Emily Arthritispin it

In her mid-thirties, the Cincinnati-based artist was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that caused her a lot of pain and affected her joints tremendously: rheumatoid arthritis.

From her knees, hip, ribcage, up to her shoulders, and elbows – the pain worked its way up and even eroded a bone in her foot and was so excruciating that she couldn’t sleep, stand, sit, walk with ease, lift anything, or even breathe sometimes.

She was depressed to the state of having suicidal thoughts, was losing her hair, and laid on the floor crying most mornings.

In terms of treatment, she decided to take a corticosteroid for some relief and thought of taking more medications until she discovered the nutritional approach to help and reverse her condition.

She soon weaned herself off her medication and decided to heal her body by eating a whole foods plant-based diet. Her next blood work came back normal with only slight inflammation.

Full Story & Pictures here

5. Tara healed her ulcerative colitis & became a mother

Tara UCpin it

During her pregnancy with twin girls, Tara was put on strict bed rest for extreme symptoms of ulcerative colitis, which she was given high doses of steroids for – but that proved to be mostly ineffective.

Unfortunately, she lost her babies at 32 weeks due to complications of this high-risk pregnancy. From then on, she had to treat her flare-ups with different drug regimens from then on, until her body gave in and everything she ate ran right through her – causing an unwanted weight loss of 40 pounds.

During a longer stay at the hospital, she researched online and came across plant-based eating as an answer to her condition.

She then put her whole family on a whole foods vegan diet and it was soon clear that they wouldn’t go back to any other way of eating again. Her constant tenderness and bloating, even her lethargy went away.

And miraculously, her body became healthy enough to try for another baby who was born “healthy and hefty” not even one year later!

Full Story & Pictures here

6. Luke lost weight & improved his fitness

Luke Fitnesspin it

The Singapore-born Luke was plagued with chronic asthma, epilepsy, and kidney disease growing up – and the medications he took for these ailments left him borderline obese. Helping himself to 8-10 fried chicken wings each Sunday surely wasn’t helping here, just like the ribeye steak he loved to eat.

Staying on a “high protein” diet seemed to be a non-negotiable in his adulthood, especially when he entered the fitness industry as a trainer and bodybuilder.

Along with over 2 pounds of animal flesh per day, he was also spending a fortune on supplements, workout pills, and fat burners.

Luckily, his vegan wife introduced him to plant-based heroes like John Robbins and Robert Cheeke (a vegan bodybuilder), who opened his eyes and showed him how this diet was more ethical, sustainable, and healthful.

Turning vegan for the animals, he was surprised to find his overall muscularity increasing after just one month and even dropping body fat.

He had more energy, a better recovery, fewer joint issues, and better skin. In 2013, he competed in the Australian Natural Bodybuilding Championships as a vegan and placed second in his division.

Full Story & Pictures here
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7. Christine cured her chronic pain & endometriosis

Christine Painpin it

Even though Christine had already decided to follow her heart and go vegan for ethical reasons, she was still following a rather unhealthy diet.

Although quitting meat, dairy, and eggs caused her lifelong allergies to vanish, she was still having lots of processed foods, sugar, oil, and salt.

Christine had suffered from endometriosis pain for about 20 years, had struggled with debilitating back pain for ten years, and also had recurring chronic pain in her hands, feet, legs, and neck.

Nobody could figure out how to help her and some days, she couldn’t even get out of bed. One day, her friend convinced her to do a 30-day challenge and eat only whole-food vegan meals for a month.

This diet change resulted in her being able to sit up easily after waking up for the first time in many years, and it “felt like magic” to her.

Apart from her chronic pain slowly subsiding, she also regained control of her bladder after having dealt with incontinence for a few years. She then lost 25 pounds without trying, her adult acne cleared up, and her endometriosis pain (which she’d had for 20 years) went away.

Fully Story & Pictures here

8. Greg opened up his arteries after a stroke & bypass

Greg Strokepin it

Can you believe that this man suffered an almost fatal stroke – just one month after taking the photo on the left?

His arteries throughout his whole body were closing up due to plaque… And this exact build-up didn’t just cause his stroke but was also responsible for his type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and, 15 months later, a three-way heart bypass operation.

All of these health issues happened when he was still eating the Standard American Diet, trying to handle the situation with prescription medication.

Several years later, he was intrigued to switch to a whole foods plant-based diet, and here’s what happened: his energy increased noticeably, his ailments decreased, he lost 80 pounds without trying, and after 12 months, his doctor called him at home to tell him he was no longer diabetic.

Full Story & Pictures here

9. Rich went from overweight alcoholic to elite athlete

Rich Rollpin it

As Rich approached his 40th birthday, he noticed that his life was all about moving up the corporate ladder as a lawyer, but health-wise, he felt terrible.

Even though he’d been a competitive butterfly swimmer at Stanford University in the late 80s, Rich’s career was cut short by struggles with drugs and alcohol, which turned his life upside-down.

And then, 10 years later, he was an unhappy recovering alcoholic and 50 pounds overweight.

As he realized that, at the age of just 40, he couldn’t even get up a flight of stairs without being in such pain that he feared a heart attack coming along, he knew that he had to change.

The very next day, he went on a vegan diet and experienced a huge improvement in his energy which caused him to get back into running, cycling, and swimming.

Two years later, 50 pounds lighter, and fueled by nothing but plants, he surprised the triathlon & ultra communities by not only becoming the first vegan to complete the 320-mile über-endurance event, but by finishing in the top 10 males (3rd fastest American) with the 2nd fastest swim split — all despite having never previously completed even a half-ironman distance triathlon.

Today, he is an elite athlete with hundreds of miles of competition under his belt who inspires thousands of people with his depth and personal transformation. Tip: You can watch an inspiring interview with him on YouTube.

Full Story & Pictures here

10. Kira reversed her prediabetes & got offer her ADHD meds

Kira Williamspin it

Despite her parents’ best efforts to teach their daughter how to eat a healthy diet, by the time she was 7 years old, Kira became addicted to food, overweight, and was on 3 medications for her ADHD – one of which had caused her to become prediabetic.

Unlike most kids, Kira was lethargic, slept all the time, and got out of breath just walking to the car. Soon after watching the documentary Forks Over Knives, the family started to change their ways!

They began exploring animal rights activism and eliminated all animal products from their diet, started cooking more and eating a huge variety of new foods on their whole food vegan diet.

This resulted in the reversal of Kira’s prediabetes (which could have ended fatally) as well as improving her focus and energy. She also lost almost 30 pounds, is symptom-free and in no further need for any medication.

Full Story & Pictures here

11. Nina and Randa cleaned up their painful cystic acne

Nina and Randapin it

The identical twins had been raised on a vegan diet and were shocked to suddenly be confronted with breakouts all over their faces at 20 years old. This issue left them depressed and held back their careers as musicians and actors.

After trying dermatologists, antibiotics, special facials, blue light therapy, and prescription skincare products, they looked into Dr. John McDougall’s research which suggested cutting back on fatty foods.

Almost immediately, as they got rid of the oil, nut butter, and soy products, they saw positive results! The pictures you see above are just 6 weeks apart and the sisters are happy and successful as ever these days.

Full Story & Pictures here

12. Tim lost 200 lbs & regained health

Tim Kaufmanpin it

Along with a high weight, there usually come lifestyle diseases. But not only did Tim struggle with cholesterol and triglycerides that were literally off the charts and a blood pressure of 255/115, he was also born with a genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects the joints.

As the only way to deal with his already-destroyed joints, he had to use crutches and canes as well as leg braces.

He dealt with his permanent pain by constantly increasing his medication. But after having to watch family members suffer from aggressive cancers, he and his wife decided to turn their lives around.

Since he wasn’t fit enough to get a gastric sleeve, he decided to do research of his own and watched inspiring documentaries that led him to follow a plant-based diet.

Not only did he lose most of his health issues and started to become very active, he is now 200 pounds lighter. 

Full Story & Pictures here
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13. Eve went from 340 lbs at 24 years to running a triathlon

Vegan Transformation Evepin it

At just 24 years young, Eve weighed 340 lbs and exhibited the onset of kidney dysfunction, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and an irregular heartbeat.

She was told that she was facing a life full of prescription drugs, hospital visits, and disability if she didn’t make a change.

Fortunately, her vegan brother and sister-in-law inspired her to try some vegan meals which caused her to research this topic further and ended in her being horrified by what she found.

Her love for animals and want to protect them solidified and her new diet allowed her to feel full while shedding the pounds.

Her passion for cooking enabled her to turn her favorite omnivore recipes into vegan masterpieces and she even picked up running.

Full Story & Pictures here

14. Nimai built 20lbs of vegan muscle in 3 years

Nimai Delgadopin it

For all of those who think that you need lots of animal protein to become big and strong: Nimai was raised on a vegetarian diet and has never consumed any meat or fish in his life.

Three years ago, he went fully vegan and has built 20 pounds of pure muscle since then!

His motivation to change towards a plant-based diet was the unethical treatment of animals for human convenience and he is now determined to disprove common misconceptions.

Nimai is living proof that plants have enough protein and he states that they help him recover and perform better as an athlete. 

Find Nimai on Facebook here

Bonus: Josh LaJaunie lost 220 lbs and became an Ultra-Runner

Growing up in South Louisiana (supposedly the “living to eat” State) and having a love for deep-fried and rich Cajun foods paved the way for Josh to pile up 410 lbs at the young age of 32.

Concerned about his strong family history of heart disease, he started moving his body more and got into running.

His new passion led him to read books by plant-based athletes such as Scott Jurek and Rich Roll, which made him change his own diet accordingly. Josh was featured in the documentary above which you definitely need to check out!

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Alena sitting in a cafe with a bowl of fresh plant-based food and a glass of coffee in front of her

About Alena Handwritten FontAlena Schowalter is a Certified Vegan Nutritionist who has been a vegetarian since childhood and vegan since 2012. Together with her husband, she founded nutriciously in 2015 and has been guiding thousands of people through different transition stages towards a healthy plant-based diet. She’s received training in the fields of nutrition, music therapy and social work. Alena enjoys discussions around vegan ethics, walks through nature and creating new recipes.

13 thoughts on “14 Vegan Before and After Transformation Stories”

  1. In November, 2017 I had my wake up call! I hit 297LBS, I got winded just trying to tie my shoes and knew that my outlook did not look good. Over the last 18 months I had been recovering from a work-related accident that left me with a broken back at my L5, a broken hip, broken coxyx and torn ligaments in my wrist. Nine months of my recovery were in bed and my diet consisted of whatever could be delivered, i.e. I ate pizza 7 days a week…
    I started watching documentries on Netflix and was blown away by the plant-based, whole foods movement. Then I saw Rich Roll in one of those documentries. He was strong, fit and a ultra endurance athelet; I was inspired. I bought “Finding Ultra” by Rich Roll and follow his podcasts. I am learning so much.
    Today, March 8, 2018 I weigh 258 (I’ve lost 39 LBS) and I still have a long way to go but I am hooked on the all plant whole food based lifestyle, I am working out 5 days a week and hiking at least 20 miles a week. I want to get down to 170 LBS and hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada…all fueled by plants!!

    • Wow, how inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing this personal story, Rick. This goes to show how much is possible – and I’m sure you’ll still see so many positive change happen over the years.
      Hope we can provide great resources to support your health journey :)

  2. Thanks so much for sharing our story of Greg Klapp’s recover from a stroke and diabetes. Great to see the story here! –Terri

    • Hi there Terri,
      thanks for stopping by and creating such a resourceful website yourself! We were happy to feature Greg’s inspirational story and hope it’ll help many others to choose this path for themselves.
      Happy that you came by!
      Warm wishes,

  3. Hi,
    I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Kidney Disease at age 56. It had advanced from Stage 2 from the year prior so lucky for me I got my very own wake up call. My general physician sent me to a specialist, a phlebotomist, but neither seemed overly concerned or provided any direction on what could be done. My wife, an RN, started to do some research. She determined we had to go vegan. I was angry. Why hadn’t any doctor told me that? She said they’re not going to tell you that because they are conditioned to treat not prevent. They know drugs or surgeries. They don’t study nutrition, and hopefully those are the only reasons why doctors aren’t telling us what prevents or reverses diseases. So I read the research, and went vegan. I had my blood tests done 7 weeks later and my Kidney Disease was completely gone! Who knows it could have been gone after 3 weeks. My good and bad cholesterols we’re both improved greatly, and I lost 20 lbs. I hated it at first because I love all kinds of “food”, but I’ve gotten used to it and have learned how to find, make or adjust food so that it is enjoyable!

    • Wow, what an incredible story! Thanks so much for sharing, George. I’m so happy for you guys that you found a plant-based diet and that it meant healing for you. Hope you can still enjoy a lot of tasty meals and might have inspired your doctors to look into the science behind all of this.

    • I am 71 with stage 3 kidney disease. I have been eating plant based but I found I was eating too much fat. Did you follow the McDougall diet? I have been told to cut out tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, potatoes and any “nightshade” plants. Did you eat them? I am sincerely interested and impressed by your story. Thank you!

  4. I’m 14 and have wanted to go vegan for awhile. Growing up my dad believed in a blood type diet, so me being an O was encouraged to eat a lot of red meat. I always felt guilty for the animals and the huge environment factors eating meat causes. Finally I started eating a plant based diet and it has been great! I feel more energized and full after eating my skin is starting to clear up too!

  5. Hi,
    I’m 61, not the usual age of weight loss films or blogs and articles. People my age don’t usually make these drastic changes and if they do know one writes about them. I also have MS and Guillain-Barré Syndrome and walk with a cane sometimes two. I started on a plant-based diet to lose over 125lb in January 2019. At the same time, I started working out at a medical exercise clinic to help reach my goal of losing the weight and returning to running which I haven’t done for 35 years. In eight-month time, I want to start trail running. And I want to do it barefoot. By my birthday in April 2020 I will have lost all the weight, be running trails and be healthy and have kicked MS and Guillain-Barré Syndrome to the curb. I have already lost 25lbs.

    • Wow, your an inspiration. Your correct in saying no one who is in their 50’s and over write about what they have accomplished. For me im 51 have just started this way of living a week ago and finding it hard to relate to people younger than myself. I have been diagnosed with cervical cancer which has spread to my lymphnodes my time was 6 months if i was lucky. Yes i beat it but not without side affects of chemo,radiatio,braph treatment, 30 kgs weight gain, before been diagnosed i was training to be a powerlifter, now i struggle to get out of bed. Thankyou for your story.

    • Hi. Your story is an inspiration. Your story should be told from the mountain tops! I am always looking for stories of those 50+ who switched to WFPB based eating. I switched on Dec 1, 2020 after playing around with WFPB meals for most of November 2020.

      I am amazed at the steady weight loss when I just don’t feel like I am actually dieting. I love the food I eat. I do have to plan and cook, but I have found that to be fun and kind of a great hobby.

      I have been riding my Peloton bike for exercise, but long for the day my weight is at a point I can safely start running again.

      Since Dec 1, 2020 I have lost 11 pounds and have not once felt deprived – just the opposite! Chocolate Avocado Pudding anyone? Decadent. Once I hit a plateau I plan to incorporate more strength training – if not sooner. I have 24 pounds to lose to get to a normal BMI. I should be there June/July 2021 if I stay on the track I have been.

      I’d be happy at a normal BMI, but the goal is to get super fit again, so hoping I can get back to my ideal weight by January 2022. I am just going to focus on eating healthy foods and minimize to potentially fully removing oils. In addition, making sure I sweat every day with 30-60 minutes of exercise.

      I wish you all the success in the world, CT Gomez.

  6. Hello, It is certain that plant foods transform our lives towards better health. I would point out that compared with a vegan diet, we should all see how far we are from sustainable development. Today, many people return to nature and practice sustainable living. Being in nature contributes to the healing of many diseases.


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